To know another human being in their essence, you don’t really need to know anything about them- their past, their history, their story. We confuse knowing about with a deeper knowing that is non-conceptual. Knowing about and knowing are totally different modalities. ~E. Tolle~

Grand Cru Experience – slow luxury business and a person-centred approach

More than a decade of working in wine industry and living in the heart of Bordeaux wine region in France made me appreciate the abundance of a daily life. The French Art de Vivre became an inspiration and a reminder that every day deserves a celebration.

In wine, the ‘Grand Cru’ means the highest quality, the most prestigious wine from the area – and in an ordinary life, it translates to crafting the best possible quality experiences every single day, celebrating the riches of the Universe and nurturing connections that reflect one’s value system, while attracting the abundance and creating satisfaction in every area of life.

I believe that we truly can have it all; a happy romantic relationship and successful business, beauty and wisdom, financial freedom and good health, freedom to choose the life we want and liberty to let go of what doesn’t serve us.

That’s what Grand Cru Experience is about.

I have chosen an unusual path for my business, which differs from a typical modern business model of fast paced consumption and over saturation of products and services; I prefer to focus on slow commerce and quality craftsmanship.

I favour bringing a person-centred approach to my sessions with clients. I want to get to know the people I work with and provide tailored experiences that fit their evolving taste and current needs.

I believe that each individual is responsible for their own choices and free to transform their lives at their own pace. Each of us is capable of self determination and we all have the power within ourselves to reconnect with our Soul, trust ourselves, make the right decisions and take action that lead us to the life we want.

On the same note, if we can transform ourselves and live with passion every single day, we also have the power to transform our business and create a professional life that we can be proud of. 

On a personal note

Hi there. My name is Ela and I love life. I feel lucky to have learned to like myself, so I love being on my own, as there is always something interesting I can do. Also, I like searching for an excellence in humans, so I spend significant amount of time surrounded by (really wonderful!) people. I am interested in human behaviours and everything mind & emotions related.

I am fascinated by architecture and art, so often you will see me wandering around the big and small expositions and museums, towns and cities, talking to artists and, also, creating the art myself.

I write short stories, novels and screenplays and I spend a lot of time with authors, writers, screenwriters and film creators. I read so much that sometimes I fear there will be nothing left for me to read.

I do not have a favourite music band or song, I listen to whatever feels right depending on my current energy level (from classical, jazz and blues, through latino, rap, folk and reggae, to rock and death metal and more – really, there are no limits).

I share similar approach if it comes to films; my interests in cinematography reach deep and it would be impossible to choose ‘one favourite’. It is worth adding, though, that life wouldn’t be the same without ‘The Breakfast Club’ and ‘Coffee and Cigarettes’ ; )

Thank you for your visit. I hope you will find what you seek for.
May your heart be happy. May you have many reasons to smile.

With Love and in Abundance, ❤


Work with me

I am in a business of creating experiences with a focus on three areas: your Self (development of self through transformational coaching), your Passion (writing and editing services for literary art passionates), and your Business (branding and web editing services).

Your Self – I work with those, who already took their steps on a path of personal development and are still unhappy with the life they live on a daily basis. For details, go to Transformational Coaching.

Your Passion – I work with self-publishing writers, indie writers, and those who follow a traditional way of publishing by providing editorial assistance in order to bring their story to the next level. Moreover, I help aspiring writers to develop a consistency in writing, learn self-editing techniques and build confidence through one-to-one mentoring sessions. For details, go to Literary Arts.

Your Business – I work with entrepreneurs, individuals and small businesses. I provide editorial assistance in order to bring their online presence to the next level and build strong identification and lasting connection with their audiences. I can be of help with creating a strategy for your brand, web editing, content writing and copy audits as well as consultation concerning visual identity or personal branding. For details, go to Entrepreneurship.

Further Reading

To read the Grand Cru Journal go to Journal

Soul Space– about creative expression that can take any form of beauty and art which allows us to express our own Soul.

To learn more ways to express your true self and free the artist within, go to ‘Experience Artistic Creativity

To see all my services, including writing and editing services, branding and web editing, as well as transformational coaching, go to ‘Work With Me’

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